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Our founders, Dr. Bob and Mrs. Becky Hart, believed that the work of saving and relocating historic cabins to Hart Square Village would only be worth it if it could be shared. In keeping with this vision, Hart Square Foundation set its sights on sharing Hart Square Village with the community. In its existence, Hart Square has grown from being open to the public one time per year to offering year-round mission-driven events, folkways classes, and field trips. This led to 28,000 visitors from 25 states last year - the highest number of annual visitors to date.
This unprecedented growth comes with opportunities and challenges. Hart Square Foundation is committed to preserving and sharing Hart Square Village, but this is only possible with your support. It is imperative to build the site’s infrastructure to support growing visitor numbers, follow a long-term preservation plan to ensure that the historic cabins are maintained for future generations, and address stormwater and accessibility threats.
In recent years, unprecedented flooding, rainfall, and storm damage have severely impacted our historic property. We have witnessed the unsettling sight of cabins beginning to destabilize as the earth shifts around them, with red clay staining their bottom logs. The damp environment beneath the cabins has become a thriving environment for pests, mold, and termites. This kind of damage could cause irreparable damage without intervention.
Can we count on your support as we look ahead to the future of Hart Square Village? When you make a financial contribution today, you are preserving this national treasure and sharing cultural heritage through traditional arts and trades.
Currently, Hart Square is not expanding its collection. We cannot accept donations of good and items to the museum at this time.