Hmong Heritage Run 5K - May 17

May 17th, 2025
7-8 a.m. - Check-in
8 a.m. - 5k Begins

18 and older: $20
Kids 13 and under: $10
Senior 65 and older: $10

The Hmong Heritage Run 5K (HHR 5K) is a collaborative effort by Hmong NC locals and Hart Square Foundation to bridge the cultural generational gap and foster community connections through physical activity. This event provides a platform for dialogue between young and old about the rich Hmong culture, promoting health and wellness while educating the wider community. Participants will embark on a journey that traces the Hmong story from western China through Southeast Asia. This race is unique because participants will experience significant historical events as they race the scenic trails. Register now for a meaningful run celebrating Hmong culture and creating lasting memories!

The proceeds from this event will support cultural preservation efforts, allowing our local Hmong community to continue sharing the special arts and traditions that are an integral part of their identity and family histories. This partnership is part of an initiative by Hart Square Foundation to preserve and share an inclusive cultural heritage that represents the population of our modern and diverse Appalachian region.

Hmoob Heritage (Poj Ua Tseg Yawm Ua Cia) yog ib qho hauj lwm koom tes ntawm peb tsev neeg Hmoob nyob hauv NC thiab Hart Square Foundation, uas muaj lub hom phiaj los txuas txoj kev sib nkag siab ntawm tiam no rau cov hluas thiab laus, thiab txhawb txoj kev sib raug zoo hauv zej zog los ntawm kev sib tws khiav los yog mus taug kev. Qhov kev tshwm sim no, muab ib lub chaw rau kev sib tham txog kab lis kev cai Hmoob, txhawb kev noj qab haus huv thiab kev nyab xeeb, thaum tseem qhia tau rau cov zej zog dav dua txog peb haiv neeg Hmoob. Cov neeg tuaj koom yuav pib taug txoj kev uas piav txog zaj dab neeg ntawm Hmoob txij thaum nyob sab hnub poob, Suav Teb (Western China), ces tsiv teb tsaws chaw mus txog qab teb, hnub tuaj (Southeast Asia), ces sawv daws thiaj khia mus nyob thoob qab ntuj. Qhov kev sib tw no, tshwj xeeb heev, vim tias cov neeg tuaj koom yuav muaj kev paub txog cov xwm txheej tseem ceeb; hauv keeb kwm thaum lawv mus taug kev hauv txoj kab, txoj kev zoo nkauj hau lub zos Vale, NC. 

Sau npe tam sim no rau qhov kev khiav no, nws tseem ceeb rau peb tau khaws peb Hmoob li teej tug cia thiab tuav tseg tau khaws los ua kev nco txog!

Cov nyiaj tau los ntawm HHR 5K, qhov kev tshwm sim no; 1 yuav txhawb nqa kev khaws cia ua hmoob teej tug. 2 cia rau peb zej zog Hmoob hauv lub xeev no kom muaj tseg. 3 peev xwm txuas ntxiv no qhia txog  txeej teg, paj ntauj ntwv siv. Tshwj xeeb uas yog ib feem tseem ceeb ntawm peb tus kheej thiab keeb kwm tsev neeg. Qhov kev sib koom tes no, yog ib feem ntawm qhov kev pib los ntawm, Hart Square Foundation, los khaws cia rau saw daus, nrog rau txhua haiv neeg, uas sawv cev rau cov pej xeem, muaj ntau haiv neeg thiab niaj hnub nyob hauv Appalachian no.

Yog tias koj muaj lus nug, thov hu rau tus tuav, Niam Tsav Txoos Foom Lauj, Elizabeth Thao, ntawm, 828-455-5568.

For questions, you may contact Organizer Elizabeth Thao at, 828-455-5568.

Sponsorship Opportunities

*sponsorships for this event do not support Hart Square Foundation, Inc.

To become a sponsor, you may contact Organizer Elizabeth Thao at, 828-455-5568.