Folkways Program

Hart Square Foundation’s classes and workshops offer opportunities to learn about folklife, arts, traditions, and culture. This program was established in 2021 as a way to develop and foster ongoing partnerships with folklife artists and practitioners across the region. Hart Square Foundation works to partner with highly specialized artists, storytellers, and instructors.

Learning the “old ways” of art forms such as quilting, canning, banjo playing, and bobbin lace not only helps preserve the traditional way of doing something but also informs new material culture traditions. These courses highlight the creativity in everyday life that fills our existence with meaning.

We invite each participant to experience this art in a nurturing environment. We hope learning in our community will spark a love for preservation, self-reliance, and creativity. 

Spoon Carving Class
September 20th
Using a few simple hand tools, the students will learn how to make a fully functional and
finished cooking spoon...
German Feather Tree Making Class
September 21st
In this class, our instructor will teach you how to make a German Feather Tree from start to finish...
Open Hearth Cooking Class
September 21st
The contemporary art of open-fire hearth cooking is an exploration and discovery of historic foodways...
Open Hearth Cooking Class
October 12th
The contemporary art of open-fire hearth cooking is an exploration and discovery of historic foodways...
Open Hearth Cooking Class
November 16th
The contemporary art of open-fire hearth cooking is an exploration and discovery of historic foodways...
Dyeing with Natural Dyes Class
November 16th
Natural dyes produce a wide range of rich colors. This class will cover preparing yarns, using mordants, preparing the dyes and dyeing yarn & cloth...
Barn Quilt Squares Class
November 23rd
Each student will be taking home a completed 2x2 ft barn quilt square...

Past Classes

 March 2022 - Spoon Carving with Sam Tallman

April 2022 - Survival 101 with Spencer 2 Dogs Bolejack

May 2022 - Salt Making with Jim Bordwine

June 2022 - Leather Working with Rachel Jackson

July 2022 - Gourd Crafting with Judi Fleming

August 2022 - Canning with Jan Stewart

September 2022 - Natural Dyeing with Sue Helmken